Panna Cotta - Custard or Gelatin?

Although Panna Cotta is generally set with gelatin, it’s always struck me as odd that despite the name implying that the dessert is cooked, it’s not (the cream is just heated to melt the gelatin). A few weeks ago, I had a delightful lunch cooked by a chef trained in Northern Italy. He insisted the proper way to make Panna Cotta was without gelatin, and it was indeed the best version of this decadent dessert I’ve ever had. For all it’s magical gelling powers, gelatin has two big weaknesses. The first is that it can be a bit finicky to work with; heat, acidity, and sugar content can all affect how well gelatin sets (or doesn’t set). Making matters worse is the fact that there are so many different types of gelatin, it’s hard to say just how much of any one type to add. That’s why most recipes call for way more gelatin than needed, which makes the custard hard. The other problem is that gelatin literally stinks. High grade gelatins take measures to mitigate the smell, but the majority of commercial gelatin tastes like the skin and hooves it’s made from; not a flattering taste for this delicate dessert. Using egg to set the Panna Cotta solves these problems, by using barely enough egg to set it. The resulting custard is silky smooth with a texture that’s like warm butter (it melts on contact with your warm mouth). Eggs themselves can have a sulphuric odor to them, but by using just the egg whites, you’re not only able to keep the custard snow white, but it also doesn’t taste eggy. Air bubbles will ruin the texture of your no gelatin Panna Cotta, so the tricky part is beating the custard mixture enough to ensure the egg whites are evenly distributed, but not so vigorously that you whisk it into a foam. I’ve found a few pulses of a hand blender fully submerged in the custard mixture works best. Then I pass the mixture through a fine mesh tea strainer or sieve to remove any bubbles that do develop.

Best Cream for Panna Cotta

For me, what sets Panna Cotta apart from other custard-like desserts is that it’s first and foremost about the cream. That’s why I like using cream with the highest butterfat content available. Here in Japan, we have cream with 42% butterfat. In the US “Heavy Cream” is supposed to have at least 38% fat so that would be your best bet. Cream from a local dairy with no additives or emulsifiers will work best.


I use granulated white sugar in the no gelatin panna cotta itself; this keeps the color a creamy white. If you don’t mind a bit of color in your custard, evaporated cane sugar can be substituted.

Best Vanilla

I prefer the flavor of Tahitian Vanilla in this panna cotta without gelatin recipe, and I have a recipe for making your own Vanilla Extract. A word of warning, though; once you start making your own you may never be able to use store-bought extract again. The good news is that it’s a fairly simple process.

Caramel Sauce

While I love a tangy sweet fruit coulis to go with this rich baked panna cotta, there’s something magical about adding a layer of almost-burnt caramel to the bottom of ramekins and watching the hard candy turn to liquid gold by the time you unmold it. If you go the fruit topping route, skip the caramel and serve the custard in the ramekin topped with your favorite fruit sauce. The trick with the caramel is to get it as dark as you without making it bitter. This is easier said than done, as carry-over cooking will make the caramel continue to rise in temperature even after you’ve removed it from the heat. The best solution for this is to add a small amount of water to the caramel when it’s reached the perfect color, which quickly lowers the temperature.

Other Custard Desserts

Burnt Basque Cheesecake Vegan Vanilla Panna Cotta Meyer Lemon Curd Best Chocolate Pudding Molten Chocolate Omelette Crustless Milk and Cardamom “Pumpkin Pie”

📖 Recipe

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